The property is situated on Grove Road, in the village of Selling. It is 5 miles south of Faversham town centre and junction 7 of the M2. Junction 7 of the M2 is only a 3 miles drive north from the property, with Sittingbourne and Canterbury both only approximately 10 miles away.
The building is built in a vernacular style under a asbestos cement sheet roof, extending to approximately 216 sq. m (2,333 sq. ft). The property has the benefit a small corner room and concrete slab floor. The barn requires improvement works to make the property safe and compliant.
The building is situated on a parcel of grassland approximately extending to 1.9 acres.
Any prospective tenant will need to make their own enquires with the relevant authorities in respect of connecting mains services such as water and electricity, as well as making arrangements for foul drainage.
Where necessary, any prospective tenant will need to make enquires with Swale Borough Council to confirm whether their proposed use falls within the current planning consent for agriculture, or whether they will need to make a planning application for a change of use.
Permission has been granted under Class R for B8 (storage or distribution), and it is believed that other uses would be possible under class R.
Class B2 (general industrial)
Class C1 (hotels)
Class E (commercial, business or service)
Class F.2(c) (outdoor sport or recreation)
Rent - £9,000 PA
Agreement Fee - £500 plus VAT
Deposit Held - £3,000
Term - 1 - 3 years
Viewing - Strictly by appointment only