Cowstead Farmhouse
The Farmhouse
Cowstead Farmhouse is a detached period property built circa 1883 and is approached off the Queenborough Road via an entrance leading to the farmhouse, stables and farm buildings. The front door opens into an entrance hall off which are the living room, family room, dining room, boot room, utility and w.c. Off the dining room is the kitchen and a rear entrance lobby used as the principal access on a day to day basis. The staircase to the first floor leads to four double bedrooms and family bathroom. Gross internal area 2,408 ft² (224 m²) The farmhouse stands within a curtilage of about 0.35 Hectares (0.87 acres)
General Remarks and Information
General Remarks and Information
Method of Sale
The property is offered for sale by private treaty.
The right is reserved to take the Property to auction or
tender at a later date.
Cowstead Farmhouse F
Hectares (& Acres)
The areas provided are for guidance only and are given without
responsibility. Any intended purchaser(s) should not rely upon
them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy
themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the areas.
Fencing & Boundaries
The purchaser(s) must satisfy themselves on the location of the
boundaries from the Land Registry plans and the Vendor’s deed
plans (where available). The Buyer shall erect and thereafter
maintain a boundary fence on the permitter of the property to a
minimum specification to be agreed.
Freehold with vacant possession.
Strictly by appointment with George Webb Finn.
Mineral, Sporting and Timber Rights
All mineral, sporting and timber rights are included in the sale in
so far as they are owned by the Vendor.
Town & Country Planning
The property is sold subject to any development plan, tree
preservation order, town planning schedule, resolution or notice
in force and the purchaser(s) will be deemed to have full
knowledge and to satisfy himself with the provisions of any such
matter affecting the property.
Rights & Easements
The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights,
including rights of way, whether public or private, light, support,
drainage and electricity supply and other rights and obligations,
easements, quasi easements and restrictive covenants and all
existing and proposed wayleaves, masts, pylons, stays, cables,
drains, water, gas and other pipes.
Plans and Lotting
The plans and associated acreages have been prepared for
illustrative purposes and their accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
The Vendor reserves the right to alter the lotting or to not sell any
of the lots.
Access and Services
A right of way of a minimum width of 6m is to be reserved for all
purposes with or without vehicles over the roadway between
points “A” and “B” and “A and C” shown on the plan. The Seller
shall reserve rights to lay and connect into services under or in the
right of way between points “A” and “B” and “B and C” shown on
the plan. The Buyer shall erect and thereafter maintain gates a
points A, B and C on the plan.
The Vendor has not made a voluntary election of the land for VAT
The Photographs included within these particulars were taken March
Local Authority
Swale Borough Council – 01795 417850